(usa Debian)
Enviado em 23/03/2011 - 12:19h
Olá pessoal,
estou tentando instalar o Sysaid aqui no Fedora, mas não estou conseguindo.
segue abaixo o README:
SysAid Server v7.5 for Linux/Unix
All Right Reserved Ilient 2002-2010
Installation Instructions
The SysAid package is available as a Web ARchive file (.WAR file) and should be deployed to an existing Tomcat web application server.
A. Option with Embedded Database (Derby)
If you want to work with an embedded database (Derby), please follow the instructions below:
1. Install SUN JAVA JRE 1.6 or a later version. Java is available at
2. Install Tomcat 6.0.26. Tomcat is available at
3. Deploy the sysaid.war file to the tomcat server. Usually you will just need to copy it to the webapps directory, and Tomcat will automatically deploy it.
A sysaid directory tree will be created in the deployed location (default is tomcat/webapps/sysaid).
SysAid will start to work with the derby database.
4. If you have a license file for the full version please replace it now at tomcat/webapps/sysaid/WEB-INF/conf/activation.xml and restart the Tomcat server.
5. Access SysAid at http://<host>:<port>/sysaid. The main login will be sysaid/changeit .
B. Option with MySQL database:
1. Install SUN JAVA JRE 1.6 or a later version. Java is available at
2. Install Tomcat 6.0.26. Tomcat is available at
3. Install MySQL version 4.1.x database server or above. MySQL is available in most of the Linux distributions and also available at
4. Create an empty database in the MySQL server.
5. Deploy the sysaid.war file to the tomcat server. Usually you will just need to copy it to the webapps directory, and Tomcat will automatically deploy it. A sysaid directory tree will be created in the deployed location (default is tomcat/webapps/sysaid).
6. Stop the Tomcat server.
7. For SysAid Pro/Full editions only: Place the license file (activation.xml) in tomcat/webapps/sysaid/WEB-INF/conf/activation.xml.
8. Execute the script. The first and only required parameter is the location of the deployed SysAid web application
(e.g. ./ /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/sysaid ). Follow the instructions in that initialization script.
9. Start the tomcat server
10.Try to access SysAid at http://<host>:<port>/sysaid
Se alguém aqui já instalou ele ou se conhece algum aplicativo nativo do linux que faça uma varredura na sua rede e informe o hardware de todas as máquinas ficaria grato se podesse me ajudar.