![brunotec brunotec](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/1309025748.animacao.gif)
(usa Debian)
Enviado em 24/03/2011 - 12:08h
eu resovi começar do zero novamente...
-deletei o database ilient do mysql, criei um novo e rodei o script de instalação novamente
[root@bruno sysaid-server-linux]# ./init-sysaid.sh /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/sysaid
Welcome to the SysAid initialization script!
This script will configure the database connection and initialize the database.
Please enter the host name or IP address of the MySQL server [localhost]:
localhost >>>>aqui eu escolhi no lugar do ip já inseri localhost
Please enter the database name that should contain the SysAid data (please create an empty database with this name) [ilient]:
ilient >>>> aqui no databse eu coloquei o ilient[que eu criei]
Please enter the database login user name [mysql]:
root >>>> como meu usuario é somente o root coloquei ele
Please enter the database login password [mysql]:
bione >>>> senha do root
Please confirm your input:
Host name: localhost
Database name: ilient
Database user name: root
Database password: bione
Would you like to proceed (y/n) ?
Would you like to check connection (y/n) ?
Checking connection....
Connection verified.
Validating license .....
License verified. Account ID is free. Serial is 770CAFF1ABC62952
Please choose a main user name. Use this login for your first login into SysAid [sysaid]:
sysaid >>>> coloquei o default que é sysaid
Please choose the password of the sysaid login [changeit]:
changeit >>>> tbm coloquei o default
Initializing database....
Initialization complete! Please restart the web application server (Tomcat). Welcome to SysAid!
[root@bruno sysaid-server-linux]# service tomcat6 restart
Stopping tomcat6: [FALHOU]
Starting tomcat6: [FALHOU]
[root@bruno sysaid-server-linux]# service tomcat6 stop
Stopping tomcat6: [FALHOU]
[root@bruno sysaid-server-linux]#
ao término da instalação ele pede para eu reiniciar o tomcat6 e ao restartar ele dá erro