(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 15/11/2015 - 13:03h
Opa! Meus amados, estamos perto! :-)
Please enjoy "almost a beta." Sorry we missed Friday the 13th this time.
testing/packages/eudev-3.1.5-x86_64-1.txz: Added.
Thanks to Jean-Philippe Guillemin.
Expect problems (especially with an initrd) unless everything depending upon is recompiled. Those packages include: ConsoleKit2,
ModemManager, NetworkManager, aaa_elflibs, bluez, dhcpcd, gutenprint, gvfs,
intel-gpu-tools, kde-workspace, kdelibs, libatasmart, libcanberra, libgphoto2,
libgpod, libmbim, libmtp, libusb, libusb-compat, lvm2, network-manager-applet,
qt, sane, system-config-printer, udisks, udisks2, usbmuxd, usbutils,
util-linux, xf86-input-evdev, xf86-input-vmmouse, xf86-video-ati,
xf86-video-intel, xf86-video-modesetting, xf86-video-nouveau,
xf86-video-openchrome, and xorg-server.
EUDEV está na pasta *testing*, pelo jeito não teremos o system daemon no Slackware ! \o/