(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 08/03/2024 - 09:55h
bom dia,
atualizei o Ubuntu de 23.04 para 23.10
ao abrir phpmyadmin, aparece a mensagem:
PHP 8.0.0+ is required (' . 'Ubuntu Launchpad bug #1975892' . ' and phpMyAdmin issue #17503' . ').
Currently installed version is: ' . PHP_VERSION . '
' ); } // phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects define('PHPMYADMIN', true); // phpcs:enable require_once ROOT_PATH . 'libraries/constants.php'; /** * Activate autoloader */ if (! @is_readable(AUTOLOAD_FILE)) { die( '
File ' . AUTOLOAD_FILE . ' missing or not readable.
' . '
Most likely you did not run Composer to ' . '' . 'install library files.
' ); } require AUTOLOAD_FILE; global $route, $containerBuilder, $request; Common::run(); $dispatcher = Routing::getDispatcher(); Routing::callControllerForRoute($request, $route, $dispatcher, $containerBuilder);
Não sei se tem a ver, tenho Laravel instalado.
Alguém consegue me ajudar?