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(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 29/10/2010 - 22:23h
bash-4.1$ ThePinkShark -version
bash-4.1$ ThePinkShark 2010 RC4
bash-4.1$ man ThePinkShark
ThePinkSharck is a user of VOL (Viva O Linux) under a Slackware 13.1 64bit on a intel machine
with 512MB of RAM DDR, Hard Disk Drive of 80GB and a high resolution of 800X600 pixel.
The commands for ThePinkShark are:
-version displays the version of user
-answer try to respond a question
-live this command no longer exists on this version
-eat this command is no more needed
-sleep this comand has various known bugs
-uptime displays running time
bash-4.1$ ThePinkShark -uptime
bash-4.1$ last session started on 1 of april of 1985.