Certificações Novell para Linux

Com a compra da SuSE no ano passado, a Novell direcionou alguns de seus focos de mercado para a área de software livre. Agora a Novell está certificando profissionais que trabalham com Linux em duas certificações bastante respeitadas e equivalentes às certificações do LPI. Neste artigo irei mostrar quais são as certificações e o caminho para ser um certificado em Linux pela conceituada Novell.

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Por: Alan Cota em 01/04/2005

Novell Certified Linux Professional

É uma certificação onde a Novell irá testar seus conhecimentos como administrador de sistemas Linux. Apesar de se basear na versão SuSE Linux, a certificação abrange qualquer sistema Linux. São alguns dos "skills" necessários para adquirir a certificação:
  1. Instalação de servidores Linux em um ambiente de rede;
  2. Administração de usuários e grupos;
  3. Solução de problemas no sistema de arquivos do Suse Linux;
  4. Solução de problemas com processos e serviços;
  5. Compilação e manutenção do kernel.

Não é necessário cursar os treinamentos oferecidos pela Novell, bastando ao candidato passar no teste prático 050-689. O material distribuído em self study guides ou em treinamentos oficiais da Novell, aborda conceitos básicos do Linux, enquanto prepara o estudante a adentrar mais profundamente na administração e gerenciamento do sistema operacional do pinguim, capacitando na solução de problemas reais que ocorrem no dia-a-dia.

Abaixo vou listar os objetivos da prova 050-689 que recebi da Novell. Procurei não traduzir, pois existem jargões que se traduzidos acabam atrapalhando o entendimento:

Perform an installation of SLES 9 (from CD) that includes the following steps:
  • Pre-installation considerations;
  • Selecting Installation options;
  • Selecting software components;
  • Configuring hardware components and devices (including partitioning);
  • Adding passwords and users;
  • Simple installation troubleshooting.

Navigate in the KDE and GNOME desktop environments by doing the following:
  • Log in and log out;
  • Shutdown and reboot SLES 9 from the Desktop+;
  • Shutdown and reboot SLES 9 from the command line (using halt, poweroff, reboot, shutdown, and init);
  • Use the Konqueror or Nautilus file manager;
  • Access file menus (especially the KDE menu), desktop icon, and panel icons;
  • Start and use YaST from the command line and desktop.

Locate and use Help resources in the Linux system such as the following:
  • man pages;
  • info pages;
  • GUI-based help.

Perform the following file management tasks in the SLES 9 system:
  • Select an appropriate Linux file system;
  • Configure Linux file system partitions (from the command line and from YaST);
  • Configure a Linux file system with Logical Volume Management (LVM) from YaST;
  • Mount and unmount a file system;
  • Change directories and list directory contents;
  • Create and view files;
  • Find files and search file content;
  • Manage file permissions and ownership;
  • Set up and configure disk quotas;
  • Monitor and check a file system (using df, du, lsof, fuser, fsck, e2fsck, and reiserfsck);
  • Create a boot, rescue, or module disk.

Do the following from the Linux shell and command line:
  • Log in as root and switch user accounts;
  • Access the command line interface from the Desktop and from virtual servers (such as Ctrl+Alt+F1);
  • Use command syntax and special characters;
  • Use piping and redirection;
  • Manage user accounts;
  • Use the basic Linux mail command.

Use Linux text editors:
    Use the vi command Line editor to edit files; Use a desktop editor (such as Kate) to edit files.

Locate, view, and use the following types and sources of SUSE LINUX system information:
  • Boot log information (/var/log/boot.msg);
  • Hardware information (using /proc/, hwinfo, hdparm, fdisk, iostat, lspci, and siga);
  • Hardware driver information (hwinfo);
  • System and process information (using top, uptime, ps. netstat, uname, KDE System Guard, and Xosview);
  • Configure the syslog daemon (syslog.conf) to schedule logged events;
  • View log files with YaST;
  • Archive log files with logrotate.

Administer processes by doing the following:
  • View processes from the GUI and the command line interface (using top, ps, and KDE System Guard);
  • Manage foreground and background processes from the command line (using bg, &, fg, ps, pstree, nice, renice, and top);
  • Stop processes from the command line (using kill and killall);
  • Manage processes with KDE System Guard.

Manage runlevels by doing the following:
  • Manage runlevels from the command line interface (by using init 0, init 1, and so on);
  • Configure runlevels from YaST;
  • Change the runlevel at boot.

Schedule jobs by doing the following:
  • Schedule a job with cron;
  • Run a job one time only with at.

Manage the kernel by doing the following:
  • Locate and understand the purpose of files and directories related to the kernel (such as /boot/initrd);
  • Manage modules from the command line (using lsmod, insmod, rmmod, modprobe, depmod, modinfo, and kmod);
  • Modify kernel parameters with Powertweak.

Manage the GRUB boot loader by doing the following:
  • Start the GRUB shell;
  • Modify the GRUB configuration file (using /boot/grub/menu.lst);
  • Configure GRUB with YaST.

Manage system and hardware settings by doing the following:
  • View and change system settings (using /proc/sys/);
  • Configure /etc/sysconfig/ files with YaST;
  • Use SuSEPlugger to view parameters and access YaST modules;
  • Modify hardware parameters with Powertweak;
  • Monitor hard drive space (using df, du, Info Center, and Kdiskfree).

Manage the network configuration by doing the following:
  • Configure a network card with YaST (both static IP address and DHCP);
  • Configure a network card from the command line (using ifconfig and ip);
  • Perform network connection management tasks from the command line (using ping, netstat, netcat, traceroute, iroute, ifup, and ifdown);
  • Configure host and domain names manually (with /etc/HOSTNAME and /etc/resolv.conf);
  • Configure a network connection manually (using files in /etc/sysconfig/network);
  • Manage the routing table from the command line (using route and ip);
  • Save routing settings to a configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/network/routes);
  • Configure routing from YaST;
  • Assign IP addresses from the command line (using add, del, and show);
  • Analyze network traffic (using tcpdump and ethereal).

Manage user and group accounts by doing the following:
  • Create, modify, and delete users and groups from YaST;
  • Create and delete users and groups from the command line;
  • Set defaults for new user accounts from YaST;
  • Configure user authentication with PAM;
  • Monitor login activity (using who, w, finger, last, lastlog, and faillog).

Manage and configure network printers by doing the following:
  • Configure and modify a SLES 9 network printer with YaST and from the command line (using lpoptions and lpadmin);
  • Modify printer settings using kprinter;
  • Manage CUPS printing from the command line using Berkely and System V commands (such as lp, lpr, lpq, lpstat, lprm, and cancel);
  • Manage printing from the command line with SLES 9 printer commands (such as enable, disable, accept, and reject);
  • Access the CUPS web administration tools;

Manage and configure network file systems by doing the following:
  • Configure an NFS (Network File System) server and client with YaST;
  • Configure an NFS server manually;
  • Configure and mount NFS directories;
  • Monitor the NFS system from the command line (using rpcinfo and showmount);
  • Configure a Samba server and client with YaST;
  • Monitor and test Samba from the command line (using testparm, nmblookup, smbclient, smbstatus, and rcsmb);

Manage resources on the network by doing the following:
  • Configure an NIS (Network Information Service) master server, slave server, client, and users with YaST;
  • Configure Maps manually (using ypdomainname and make);
  • Manage NIS from the command line (using ypdomainname, ypwhich, ypcat, ypmatch, yppasswd, and yppoll);

Manage software packages by doing the following:
  • Install and manage RPM software packages from the command line with the rpm command;
  • Install RPM software packages from YaST;
  • Compile software from source (using make and make install);
  • Verify and update software library access (using ldd, /etc/ld.so.conf, and /etc/ld.so.cache);
  • Update your SLES 9 installation from a YaST Online Update (YOU) server;

Enable Internet services by doing the following:
  • Synchronize time with netdate and hwclock;
  • Synchronize time with NTP (using ntpdate, ntp.conf, ntptrace, and YaST);
  • Configure an HTTP Apache Web server with YaST;
  • Configure an Apache Web server from the configuration files (such as httpd.conf and default-server.conf);
  • Manage the Apache Web server from the command line (using apache2 and apache2ctl);
  • Configure a virtual Host for the Apache Web server;
  • Limit access to the Apache Web server (using allow, deny, and htpasswd2);
  • Configure an SSL encryption with an Apache Web server (using RSA key pairs and configuration files);
  • Configure the Extended Internet Daemon (xinetd) from YaST and the command line (using xinetd and xinetd.conf);
  • Configure the TCP wrapper;
  • Install, configure, and run PureFTPd server;

Configure and use a DNS server by doing the following:
  • Install and configure the BIND server software (bind and bind-utils packages);
  • Configure a caching-only DNS server;
  • Configure a master server and one or more slave servers for your domain;
  • Configure a client computer with YaST to use the DNS server;
  • Query the DNS server from the command line (using host and dig);

Deploy and use OpenLDAP on a SLES 9 server by doing the following:
  • Install and set up an OpenLDAP server (using the slapd.conf and ldap.conf files);
  • Add entries to the LDAP server by creating and using an LDIF file (and the commands recode and ldapadd);
  • Query information from the LDAP server at the command line (using ldapsearch);
  • Delete and modify entries of the LDAP server at the command line (using ldapmodify and ldapdelete);
  • Use the GQ graphical applications to access data in the LDAP server;

Manage backup and recovery on a SLES 9 server by doing the following:
  • Archive, compress, and uncompress files (using tar, gzip, bzip2, and zcat);
  • Work with magnetic tapes with the mt command;
  • Copy data with the dd command;
  • Mirror directories with the rsync command;
  • Automate data backups with the cron service;
  • Boot a corrupted system directly into a shell;
  • Boot a corrupted system with the Installation media;
  • Start and use the SLES 9 rescue system;

Create basic shell scripts by doing the following:
  • Use basic script elements (such as variables, command substitutions, and arithmetic operations);
  • Use variable substitution operators (such as ${variable-value}, ${variable=value}, and ${variable+value});
  • Use control structures (such as if and until commands, case statements, and loop processing);
  • Use advanced scripting techniques (such as shell functions and getopts);

Manage remote access by doing the following:
  • Configure an OpenSSH server and client (by editing sshd_config and ssh_config files);
  • Use SSH client commands (such as scp, ssh, ssh-add, ssh-agent, ssh-keygen, and ssh-keyscan);
  • Enable Remote Administration with YaST;
  • Configure and access an Installation Server with YaST;

Secure a SLES 9 server by doing the following:
  • Secure the BIOS with a password;
  • Secure the GRUB boot loader with a password;
  • Configure directory ACLs from the command line (using getfacl and setfacl);
  • Configure Security Settings with YaST;

Find performance bottlenecks by doing the following:
  • Analyze processes and processor utilization (using top, uptime, mpstat, and KDE System Guard);
  • Analyze memory utilization and performance (using free, vmstat, and KDE System Guard);
  • Analyze storage performance (using vmstat and iostat);
  • Analyze network utilization and performance (using KDE System Guard, Traffic-vis, and ip);

In addition, the following topics are covered in SUSE LINUX Advanced Administration (Course 3038) and might be referred to in the exam:
  • How device drivers work;
  • The sysfs file system;
  • How the SLES 9 hotplug system works;
  • Adding new hardware to a SLES 9 system;

    Próxima página

Páginas do artigo
   1. Novell Certified Linux Professional
   2. Novell Certified Linux Engineer
   3. Conclusões
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[1] Comentário enviado por streetlinux em 01/04/2005 - 00:40h

Pow, legal kra... nem sabia dessas certificações.


[2] Comentário enviado por shocker em 01/04/2005 - 09:24h

A CNT Brasil (www.cntbrasil.com.br), localizada em SP, está com todos os treinamentos completos. E inclusive a Novell está com uma promoção, onde quem fizer o curso ou se certificar, estará concorrendo a uma viagem com acompanhante para La Lenas (Argentina).

Podem esperar uma movimentação estratégica e agressiva da Novell este ano, na área de software livre!

Um abraço!

[3] Comentário enviado por gelemeurer em 02/04/2005 - 23:13h

Eu era CNA do netware 5.1... :)

Esta certificação NW/SuSE deve vir com muito peso.



[4] Comentário enviado por shocker em 05/04/2005 - 14:14h

Eu sou CNA/CNE de NW 6.0, e pretendo fazer o upgrade para NW 6.5 ainda este ano.
Realmente estas certs da Suse estão com muito peso! Vale a pena investir!

Um abraço.

Alan Cota.

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