Instalador de macromedia flash para comps AMD Athlon 86_64
Publicado por Marcio Esper 28/07/2004
[ Hits: 5.296 ]
Download flashplayer-installer
Esta é uma modificação do script de instalação original para que ele não faça o teste de CPU dando sequencia a instalação.
Não ha garantia de que ele vai funcionar em seu computador, é apenas um quebra galho por enquanto que a macromedia não lançao uma verção para 86_92
#Script auterado para instalar o plug-in em arquitetura AMD 86_64 #enquanto o da macromedia nao sai. # sem garantia de que vai funcionar em seu computador. #instalação: #baixe o plug-in no site da macromedia e descompacte-o no lugar de sua preferencia. #Primeiro tente instalar usando o script original, se nao funcionar #substitua o script original por este e use normalmente como manda as instruçoes originais. #ele simplesmente deixa de fazer a verificação da CPU, o q para o outro script. #!/bin/sh # # Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Macromedia Flash Player Installer # PRODUCT="Macromedia Flash Player" VERSION="7" PLATFORM="Linux" FPVERSIONMAJ=7 FPVERSIONMIN=0 FPVERSIONREV=70 # Environment variables PATH=.:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:$PATH export PATH # Get the path of this script cwd=`dirname $0` # Minimum glibc MIN_GLIBCMAJOR=2 MIN_GLIBCMINOR=2 ############################## # Subroutines ############################## # the os is not supported exit_os () { echo "" echo "ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the" echo " $PRODUCT installer." echo "" exit 1 } # the architecture is not supported exit_cpu () { echo "" echo "ERROR: Your architecture, \'$1\', is not supported by the" echo " $PRODUCT installer." echo "" exit 1 } # glibc is older than supported exit_glibc () { echo "" echo "ERROR: Your glibc library is older than $MIN_GLIBCMAJOR.$MIN_GLIBCMINOR." echo " Please update your glibc library." echo "" exit 1 } # exit installer exit_error () { echo "" echo "Exiting the $PRODUCT $VERSION installer." echo "" exit 1 } # check glibc check_glibc () { ICONV=`iconv --version | sed -e '2,$d'` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "no-iconv" else ICONVVER=`echo "$ICONV" | awk '{print $4}'` GLIBCMAJOR=`echo $ICONVVER | cut -d'.' -f1` GLIBCMINOR=`echo $ICONVVER | cut -d'.' -f2` if [ \( $GLIBCMAJOR -ge $MIN_GLIBCMAJOR \) -a \( $GLIBCMINOR -ge $MIN_GLIBCMINOR \) ]; then echo "valid-glibc" else echo "invalid-glibc" fi fi } # check entered directory check_browser_dir () { CHECKDIR="$1" # blank? if [ -z "$CHECKDIR" ]; then echo "blank" exit fi # is a directory? if [ -d "$CHECKDIR" ]; then # is writable? if [ -w "$CHECKDIR" ]; then # contains plugins and components dirs? if [ -d "$CHECKDIR/plugins" -a -d "$CHECKDIR/components" ]; then # could be Mozilla or Netscape if [ ! -w "$CHECKDIR/plugins" ]; then echo "invalid-plugins-not-writable" return else echo "valid" return fi elif [ -d "$CHECKDIR/plugins" ]; then if [ ! -w "$CHECKDIR/plugins" ]; then echo "invalid-plugins-not-writable" return fi # is Opera or Netscape Communicator? OPERABIN=`find $CHECKDIR -type f -name "opera" -print` if [ -f "$OPERABIN" ]; then echo "valid-opera" return elif [ -f "$CHECKDIR/netscape-communicator" ]; then echo "valid-communicator" return fi fi else echo "invalid-not-writable" return fi else echo "invalid-not-directory" return fi echo "invalid" } # fix dir if necessary fix_dir () { FIXDIR="$1" FIRSTCHAR=`expr "$FIXDIR" : '\(.\).*'` if [ "$FIRSTCHAR" != '/' ]; then currentdir=`pwd` echo "$currentdir/$FIXDIR" else echo "$1" fi } # warn is a symbolic link warn_symbolic_link () { echo "" echo "WARNING: The $PRODUCT binary is a symbolic link." echo " The installer will replace this symbolic link with the actual binary." echo "" } # compare versions compare_versions () { BIN="$1" MYFPVERSIONSTR=`strings "$1" | grep -e "^Shockwave Flash [.\d+]*" | sed -e "s/Shockwave Flash //g"` MYFPVERSION=`echo "$MYFPVERSIONSTR" | awk '{print $1}'` MYFPVERSIONMAJ=`echo "$MYFPVERSION" | cut -d'.' -f1` MYFPVERSIONMIN=`echo "$MYFPVERSION" | cut -d'.' -f2` MYFPVERSIONREV=`echo "$MYFPVERSIONSTR" | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/^r//g"` # check major version if [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMAJ -lt $FPVERSIONMAJ \) ]; then echo "version-older" elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMAJ -gt $FPVERSIONMAJ \) ]; then echo "version-newer" elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMAJ -eq $FPVERSIONMAJ \) ]; then # check minor version if [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMIN -lt $FPVERSIONMIN \) ]; then echo "version-older" elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMIN -gt $FPVERSIONMIN \) ]; then echo "version-newer" elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONMIN -eq $FPVERSIONMIN \) ]; then # check rev version if [ \( $MYFPVERSIONREV -lt $FPVERSIONREV \) ]; then echo "version-older" elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONREV -gt $FPVERSIONREV \) ]; then echo "version-newer" elif [ \( $MYFPVERSIONREV -eq $FPVERSIONREV \) ]; then echo "version-same" fi fi fi } # check plugins dir check_plugins_dir () { CHECKPLUGINSDIR="$1" if [ -d "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR" ]; then # does it exist? if [ -e "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/" ]; then # is it a file? if [ -f "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/" ]; then # is it a symbolic link? if [ -L "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/" ]; then warn_symbolic_link "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/" SYMBOLIC_LINK=1 else VERSIONSTATUS=`compare_versions "$CHECKPLUGINSDIR/"` case $VERSIONSTATUS in version-older) echo "" echo "WARNING: An older version of the $PRODUCT has been detected in" echo " $CHECKPLUGINSDIR." echo " The installer will overwrite this existing binary." echo "" ;; version-newer) echo "" echo "WARNING: A newer version of the $PRODUCT has been detected in" echo " $CHECKPLUGINSDIR." echo " The installer will overwrite this existing binary." echo "" ;; version-same) echo "" echo "WARNING: The same version of the $PRODUCT has been detected in" echo " $CHECKPLUGINSDIR." echo " The installer will overwrite this existing binary." echo "" ;; esac fi fi fi fi } ############################## # Main Section ############################## ROOTINSTALL=0 # check user USERID=`id | sed -e 's/).*//; s/^.*(//;'` if [ "X$USERID" = "Xroot" ]; then ROOTINSTALL=1 fi # check OS os=`uname -s` if [ "X$os" != "XLinux" ]; then exit_os fi # check architecture #TEMPARCH=`uname -m` #case $TEMPARCH in # i[3456]86) # ARCH=i386 # ;; #*) # exit_cpu $TEMPARCH # ;; #esac # check for iconv and version of glibc GLIBCSTATUS=`check_glibc` case $GLIBCSTATUS in invalid-glibc) exit_glibc ;; esac ################## # Welcome user ################## echo "" echo "Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved." echo "" echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION for $PLATFORM" echo "" echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed on this machine." echo "" if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then echo "You are running the $PRODUCT installer as the \"root\" user." echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed system-wide." else echo "You are running the $PRODUCT installer as a non-root user." echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed in your home directory." fi echo "" echo "Support is available at" echo "" echo "To install $PRODUCT $VERSION now, press ENTER." echo "" echo "To cancel the installation at any time, press Control-C." echo "" read cont < /dev/tty echo "" echo "NOTE: $PRODUCT requires two font packages" if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then echo " to be installed, gsfonts and gsfonts-x11." else echo " to be installed, ttfonts and urw-fonts." fi echo "" echo "Press ENTER to continue..." echo "" read cont < /dev/tty echo "" echo "NOTE: Please exit any browsers you may have running." echo "" echo "Press ENTER to continue..." echo "" read cont < /dev/tty # Loop until user is done installing one or more times okToRepeat=0 while [ $okToRepeat -eq 0 ]; do # Loop until user is comfortable with their choices okToProceed=0 while [ $okToProceed -eq 0 ]; do # default variables BROWSERDIR="" DIRSTATUS="" HOMEDIR="" MOZILLA=0 MOZILLADIR="" MOZILLA_NOT_W=0 MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W=0 MOZILLASTATUS="valid" NETSCAPE=0 NETSCAPEDIR="" NETSCAPE_NOT_W=0 NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W=0 NETSCAPESTATUS="valid" OPERA=0 OPERADIR="" OPERA_NOT_W=0 OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W=0 OPERASTATUS="valid" SYMBOLIC_LINK=0 VERSIONSTATUS=0 ############################ # Get destination directory ############################ echo "" get_browser_dir () { echo "Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape," printf "or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): " read dir # fix the entered dir if necessary FIXED_DIR=`fix_dir "$dir"` dir="$FIXED_DIR" # check given dir if valid DIRSTATUS=`check_browser_dir "$dir"` case $DIRSTATUS in blank) echo "" echo "WARNING: Please do not enter a blank installation path." echo "" get_browser_dir ;; invalid) echo "" echo "WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path." echo "" get_browser_dir ;; invalid-not-writable) echo "" echo "WARNING: $dir is not writable." echo "" get_browser_dir ;; invalid-plugins-not-writable) echo "" echo "WARNING: $dir/plugins is not writable." echo "" get_browser_dir ;; invalid-not-directory) echo "" echo "WARNING: $dir is not a directory." echo "" get_browser_dir ;; valid) BROWSERDIR="$dir" check_plugins_dir "$dir/plugins" ;; valid-opera) OPERA=1 BROWSERDIR="$dir" check_plugins_dir "$dir/plugins" ;; valid-communicator) echo "" echo "WARNING: You have entered the installation path to Netscape Communicator." echo " Netscape Communicator is not officially supported." echo "" NETSCAPE=1 BROWSERDIR="$dir" check_plugins_dir "$dir/plugins" ;; invalid-opera) echo "" echo "ERROR: The version of the Opera browser is invalid." echo "" exit 1 ;; esac } if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then get_browser_dir else HOMEDIR=`(cd ; pwd)` COUNT=0 STATUSCOUNT=0 ERRORCOUNT=0 # Mozilla user directory if [ -d "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla" ]; then MOZILLA=1 MOZILLADIR="$HOMEDIR/.mozilla" COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` if [ ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla" ]; then MOZILLA_NOT_W=1 MOZILLASTATUS="invalid" ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1` elif [ \( -d "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla/plugins" \) -a \( ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.mozilla/plugins" \) ]; then MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W=1 MOZILLASTATUS="invalid" ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1` else STATUSCOUNT=`expr $STATUSCOUNT + 1` fi fi # Netscape user directory if [ -d "$HOMEDIR/.netscape" ]; then NETSCAPE=1 NETSCAPEDIR="$HOMEDIR/.netscape" COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` if [ ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.netscape" ]; then NETSCAPE_NOT_W=1 NETSCAPESTATUS="invalid" ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1` elif [ \( -d "$HOMEDIR/.netscape/plugins" \) -a \( ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.netscape/plugins" \) ]; then NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W=1 NETSCAPESTATUS="invalid" ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1` else STATUSCOUNT=`expr $STATUSCOUNT + 1` fi fi # Opera user directory if [ -d "$HOMEDIR/.opera" ]; then OPERA=1 OPERADIR="$HOMEDIR/.opera" COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` if [ ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.opera" ]; then OPERA_NOT_W=1 OPERASTATUS="invalid" ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1` elif [ \( -d "$HOMEDIR/.opera/plugins" \) -a \( ! -w "$HOMEDIR/.opera/plugins" \) ]; then OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W=1 OPERASTATUS="invalid" ERRORCOUNT=`expr $ERRORCOUNT + 1` else STATUSCOUNT=`expr $STATUSCOUNT + 1` fi fi if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPE -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERA -eq 0 \) ]; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Your home directory does not have a Mozilla, Netscape, or Opera" echo " browser user directory. Run one of these browsers at least once." echo "" exit 1 fi fi # if local install, ask which dirs to install to if more than one if [ $ROOTINSTALL -ne 1 ]; then if [ \( $COUNT -gt 1 \) -a \( $STATUSCOUNT -gt 1 \) ]; then echo "" echo "Please choose which directory to install $PRODUCT $VERSION:" echo "" if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" ]; then echo " [m] Install $PRODUCT $VERSION into Mozilla user" echo " directory: $MOZILLADIR" else echo " * The installer has detected a Mozilla user directory but cannot install" echo " into the following path: $MOZILLADIR" echo " because of the following:" fi if [ $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo " WARNING: $MOZILLADIR is not writable." fi if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then echo "" echo " WARNING: $MOZILLADIR/plugins is not writable." fi echo "" fi if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" ]; then echo " [n] Install $PRODUCT $VERSION into Netscape user" echo " directory: $NETSCAPEDIR" else echo " * The installer has detected a Netscape user directory but cannot install" echo " into the following path: $NETSCAPEDIR" echo " because of the following:" fi if [ $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo " WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR is not writable." fi if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then echo "" echo " WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR/plugins is not writable." fi echo "" fi if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" ]; then echo " [o] Install $PRODUCT $VERSION into Opera user" echo " directory: $OPERADIR" else echo " * The installer has detected a Opera user directory but cannot install" echo " into the following path: $OPERADIR" echo " because of the following:" fi if [ $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo " WARNING: $OPERADIR is not writable." fi if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then echo "" echo " WARNING: $OPERADIR/plugins is not writable." fi echo "" fi echo " [a] All" echo "" else # only one browser user directory if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "invalid" ]; then echo "The installer has detected a Mozilla user directory but cannot install" echo "into the following path: $MOZILLADIR" echo "because of the following:" if [ $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: $MOZILLADIR is not writable." echo "" fi if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: $MOZILLADIR/plugins is not writable." echo "" fi fi fi if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "invalid" ]; then echo "The installer has detected a Netscape user directory but cannot install" echo "into the following path: $NETSCAPEDIR" echo "because of the following:" if [ $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR is not writable." echo "" fi if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: $NETSCAPEDIR/plugins is not writable." echo "" fi fi fi if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$OPERASTATUS" = "invalid" ]; then echo "The installer has detected a Opera user directory but cannot install" echo "into the following path: $OPERADIR" echo "because of the following:" if [ $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: $OPERADIR is not writable." echo "" fi if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 1 \) ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: $OPERADIR/plugins is not writable." echo "" fi fi fi fi fi select_local_install () { printf "Please choose a directory: " read inum if [ \( \( "$inum" = "m" \) -o \( "$inum" = "M" \) \) -a \( \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" \) \) ]; then NETSCAPE=0 OPERA=0 check_plugins_dir "$MOZILLADIR/plugins" elif [ \( \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) -a \( "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" \) \) -a \( \( "$inum" = "n" \) -o \( "$inum" = "N" \) \) ]; then MOZILLA=0 OPERA=0 check_plugins_dir "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins" elif [ \( \( $OPERA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" \) \) -a \( \( "$inum" = "o" \) -o \( "$inum" = "O" \) \) ]; then MOZILLA=0 NETSCAPE=0 check_plugins_dir "$OPERADIR/plugins" elif [ \( "$inum" = "a" \) -o \( "$inum" = "A" \) ]; then # do nothing NOTHING=1 if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then check_plugins_dir "$MOZILLADIR/plugins" fi if [ \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) -a \( "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then check_plugins_dir "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins" fi if [ \( $OPERA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then check_plugins_dir "$OPERADIR/plugins" fi else echo "" echo "ERROR: Please choose a directory from the list." echo "" select_local_install fi } if [ $ROOTINSTALL -ne 1 ]; then if [ \( $COUNT -gt 1 \) -a \( $STATUSCOUNT -gt 1 \) ]; then select_local_install fi if [ $COUNT -eq $ERRORCOUNT ]; then exit_error fi fi ########## # Summary ########## echo "" echo "" echo "----------- Install Action Summary -----------" echo "" echo "$PRODUCT $VERSION will be installed in the following directory:" echo "" if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then echo "Browser installation directory = $BROWSERDIR" else if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$MOZILLASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then echo "Mozilla installation directory = $MOZILLADIR" fi if [ \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) -a \( "$NETSCAPESTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then echo "Netscape installation directory = $NETSCAPEDIR" fi if [ \( $OPERA -eq 1 \) -a \( "$OPERASTATUS" = "valid" \) ]; then echo "Opera installation directory = $OPERADIR" fi fi echo "" # okay to continue? get_installagreement () { printf 'Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): ' read yn case $yn in y | Y) okToProceed=1 ;; n | N) continue ;; q | Q) exit 1 ;; *) echo "" echo "Please enter 'y', 'n', or 'q'." get_installagreement ;; esac } get_installagreement done ####################### # Perform installation ####################### #-------------- # copy plug-in #-------------- # system-wide if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then # copy plug-in # remove symbolic link before copying if [ $SYMBOLIC_LINK -eq 1 ]; then rm -f "$BROWSERDIR/plugins/" fi cp -f "$cwd/" "$BROWSERDIR/plugins" # copy xpt file cp -f "$cwd/flashplayer.xpt" "$BROWSERDIR/plugins" else # local if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then if [ \( ! -d "$MOZILLADIR/plugins" \) -a \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then mkdir -p "$MOZILLADIR/plugins" fi if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then cp -f "$cwd/" "$MOZILLADIR/plugins" cp -f "$cwd/flashplayer.xpt" "$MOZILLADIR/plugins" fi fi if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then if [ \( ! -d "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins" \) -a \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then mkdir -p "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins" fi if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then cp -f "$cwd/" "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins" cp -f "$cwd/flashplayer.xpt" "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins" fi fi if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then if [ \( ! -d "$OPERADIR/plugins" \) -a \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then mkdir -p "$OPERADIR/plugins" fi if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then cp -f "$cwd/" "$OPERADIR/plugins" fi fi fi #---------------------- # remove xpti.dat file #---------------------- if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f "$BROWSERDIR/components/xpti.dat" ]; then rm -f "$BROWSERDIR/components/xpti.dat" fi else if [ \( $MOZILLA -eq 1 \) -o \( $NETSCAPE -eq 1 \) ]; then # don't know where xpti.dat file is located echo "" echo "NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the" echo " components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser." echo "" fi fi #----------------- # set permissions #----------------- if [ $ROOTINSTALL -eq 1 ]; then chmod 755 "$BROWSERDIR/plugins/" chmod 755 "$BROWSERDIR/plugins/flashplayer.xpt" else if [ $MOZILLA -eq 1 ]; then if [ \( $MOZILLA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $MOZILLAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then chmod 755 "$MOZILLADIR/plugins/" chmod 755 "$MOZILLADIR/plugins/flashplayer.xpt" fi fi if [ $NETSCAPE -eq 1 ]; then if [ \( $NETSCAPE_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $NETSCAPEPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then chmod 755 "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins/" chmod 755 "$NETSCAPEDIR/plugins/flashplayer.xpt" fi fi if [ $OPERA -eq 1 ]; then if [ \( $OPERA_NOT_W -eq 0 \) -a \( $OPERAPLUGIN_NOT_W -eq 0 \) ]; then chmod 755 "$OPERADIR/plugins/" fi fi fi echo "" echo "Installation complete." echo "" # Ask to repeat installation? ask_to_repeat () { echo "" printf 'Perform another installation? (y/n): ' read yn case $yn in y | Y) continue ;; n | N) okToRepeat=1 break ;; *) echo "" echo "Please enter 'y' or 'n'." ask_to_repeat ;; esac } ask_to_repeat done # Final messages. # check MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH if [ ! -z "$MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH" ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: You have the MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable set." echo " Either unset this environment variable or set the path in this" echo " environment variable to the path you are installing the plug-in." echo "" fi # check OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH if [ ! -z "$OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH" ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: You have the OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable set." echo " Either unset this environment variable or append the path" echo " you are installing the plug-in to this variable." echo "" fi echo "" echo "" echo "Please log out of this session and log in for the changes to take effect." echo "" echo "" echo "The $PRODUCT installation is complete." echo ""
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