Publicado por Vagner Rodrigues Fernandes 21/07/2007
[ Hits: 3.492 ]
O phpCBLConsult é um script feito em php com interface web.
Através dele é possível consultar se um determinado IP consta na black-list da CBL; utiliza comandos BSD/Linux lynx,grep e awk através da função system() do php.
<?php /* Copyright (c) 2007 * The Regents of the Vagner Rodrigues Fernandes. All rights reserved. * * phpCBLConsult(8) script developed in php for consult IP in db black-list CBL. * * Redistribution the source or binnary for are permitted. * * Written by Vagner Rodrigues Fernandes aka BugReport * / * */ $HOST=$_POST['host']; function createhtml() { print "<HTML> \n"; print "<FORM ACTION=\"cbl.php\" METHOD=\"post\"> \n"; print "<CENTER> \n"; print "<B><FONT SIZE=\"6\" FACE=\"arial\">CBL Consult</FONT></B><BR><BR> \n"; print "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" BORDERCOLOR=\"black\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"3\"> \n"; print "<TR><TD>"; print "<CENTER>"; print "<BR>"; print "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" name=\"host\"><br> \n"; print "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" value=\"Consult\"><BR><BR> \n"; print "</FORM> \n"; } if ($HOST == "") { createhtml(); } else { createhtml(); print "<FONT FACE=\"arial\" SIZE=\"1\">Variable Status: \n"; $return = system("lynx --source --dump$HOST | grep found | awk '{ print $5 }'"); print "</FONT>"; if ($return == "found") { print "<BR><a href=\"$HOST\"><FONT FACE=\"arial\" COLOR=\"red\">IP found in black-list CBL.</FONT></a>"; } else { print "<BR><FONT FACE=\"arial\">IP not found in black-list CBL.</FONT>"; } } print "</CENTER><BR>"; print "</TR></TD> \n"; print "</TABLE> \n"; print "<BR><FONT SIZE=\"1\" FACE=\"arial\"><i>Vagner Rodrigues Fernandes<BR></i></FONT>"; print "<CENTER> \n"; print "</HTML> \n"; ?>
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