(usa Arch Linux)
Enviado em 07/09/2011 - 07:53h
pois é cara eramas dois, depois de muito olhar descobri onde havia errado, eu pulei a parte networking em /etc/rc.conf , para arrumar digite: nano /etc/rc.conf , desça até networking e prencha interface addres netmask e gateway , dai vc digita ping -c 3 para checar se esta conectado o que não pode aparecer é host não encontrado, se não vc estara conectado, e para definir os repositorios digite nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist e decomente os que voce quiser. Apos prosiga com apos instalação (to fazendo agora). Mais simples que eu imaginava para configurar a net tem até dois exemplos em cima da onde vc vai configurar. Espero ter resolvido seu problema, pois o meu acabei de resolver. EDIT: talvez vc precise disso tambem para se conectar # dhcpcd eth0 (foi o que eu precisei), mas de um molhada nessa parte do begginers guide "If, after trying to ping, an "unknown host" error is received, you may conclude that your network is not properly configured. You may choose to double-check the following files for integrity and proper settings:
/etc/rc.conf - Specifically, check your HOSTNAME and NETWORKING section for typos and errors.
/etc/hosts - Double-check for format, typos, and errors.
/etc/resolv.conf - If you are using a static IP. If you are using DHCP, this file will be dynamically created and destroyed by default.
Tip: Advanced instructions for configuring the network can be found in the Network article.Wired LANCheck your Ethernet with
$ ip addr
All interfaces will be listed. You should see an entry for eth0, or perhaps eth1. These examples will use eth0.
Static IP
If required, you can set a new static IP with:
# ifconfig eth0 <ip address> netmask <netmask> up
and the default gateway with
# route add default gw <ip address of the gateway>
Verify that /etc/resolv.conf contains your DNS server and add it if it is missing. Check your network again with ping -c 3 If everything is working now, adjust /etc/rc.conf as described above for static IP.
If you have a DHCP server/router in your network try:
# dhcpcd eth0
If this is working, adjust /etc/rc.conf as described above, for dynamic IP."