(usa Debian)
Enviado em 28/01/2011 - 17:10h
Parece que finalmente o Debian 6.0 Squeeze está agora na "boca do forno", com lançamento previsto para a próxima semana.
Aproveitando a dica abaixo postada pelo companheiro Gokuro do fórum GDH:
Postado Originalmente por Gokuro
Contagem regressiva para lançamento do Debian Squezze:
"fim da citação"
Abaixo o conteúdo da informação que está muito claro:
Hi all,
Once again, and hopefully for a final time, I'm writing to you with a
release update.
Now that a release candidate of the installer has been uploaded[0], and
tested, a few issues have been identified and was binNMUed today. This
should turn into RC2 by the end of the week. This means we are able to
begin the final preparations for a release of Debian 6.0 - "Squeeze".
Following on from above, we now have a target date of the weekend of 5th
and 6th February for the release. We have checked with core teams, and
this seems to be acceptable for everyone.
The intention is only to lift that date if something really critical
pops up that is not possible to handle as an errata, or if we end up
technically unable to release that weekend (eg., a needed machine
crashes, RC2 exploding in a giant ball of fire etc.). Every other fix
that doesn't make it in time will be r1 material. Please be sure to
contact us about the RC fixes you'd like included in the point release!
From the usertags page[1]: you can see a total of:
Blockers for Squeeze bugs (4 bugs)
Planned for removal bugs (22 bugs)
Ignored for Squeeze bugs (109 bugs)
These have all been actioned/fixed. However, there are also between
25/30 bugs that haven't yet been tagged[2] and aren't hinted. These will
be actioned shortly.
Awesomeness of Squeeze
We really need some more work on,
please help contribute! Let's tell everyone why Squeeze will be the best
release ever.
As well as this, release notes, installation guides and documentation in
general, especially translations can always do with some work. Please
see previous mails on these, and help if you can.
Neil, on behalf of the Debian Release Team
"fim da citação"
Parece que agora está na "boca do forno"!!!