Enviado em 29/03/2016 - 22:51h
Recebi e-mail agora.LFS Stable Systemd Version 7.9 Release
Bruce Dubbs - 2016/03/08
The Linux From Scratch community announces the release of LFS Stable Systemd Version 7.9. It is a major release with toolchain updates to glibc-2.23, binutils-2.26, gcc-5.3.0, and systemd-229. In total, 26 packages were updated and changes to text have been made throughout the book.
You can read the book online, or download to read locally.
Please direct any comments about this release to the LFS development team at lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org. Please note that registration for the lfs-dev mailing list is required to avoid junk email.
The LFS release includes updates to glibc-2.23, binutils-2.26, gcc-5.3.0,
and systemd-229. In total, 26 packages were updated and changes to text
have been made throughout the book.
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