Script de barra de maximinizar
Publicado por Wallace Nunes 09/03/2006
[ Hits: 4.171 ]
Download Script+de+barra+de+maximinizar.html
Script que faz as letras da barra de maximinizar andar para o lado.
<!--------WNSOBJECT----------!> <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> var message="Muito Loooooooooooouuuuuuuuuucccccccccccoooooooooo" //specifys the title var message=message+" " //gives a pause at the end,1 space=1 speed unit, here I used 10 spaces@150 each = 1.5seconds. i="0" //declares the variable and sets it to start at 0 var temptitle="" //declares the variable and sets it to have no value yet. var speed="150" //the delay in milliseconds between letters function titler(){ if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById) return document.title=temptitle+message.charAt(i) //sets the initial title temptitle=temptitle+message.charAt(i) //increases the title by one letter i++ //increments the counter if(i==message.length) //determines the end of the message { i="0" //resets the counter at the end of the message temptitle="" //resets the title to a blank value } setTimeout("titler()",speed) //Restarts. Remove line for no-repeat. } window.onload=titler </script> </head> </html>
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